The new Largoward homes Kingdom ends the year on a high note with Largoward development
Morrison Construction has reached financial close on the £45.2 million Hub South East Scotland Ltd contract for NHS Lothian to build and operate the first phase of the redevelopment of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
James Sproule Britain’s army of small and medium-sized businesses are being squeezed by companies failing to pay their invoices on time, according to a new survey from the Institute of Directors.
The world-famous Charles Rennie Mackintosh library which was destroyed in the fire at the Glasgow School Of Art should not be rebuilt as a “replica” copy, a leading Scottish architect has declared.
Two regeneration projects by developer Urban Union have been nominated as finalists in this year’s Scottish Property Awards.
Energy efficiency measures could save Scottish households millions Over 100,000 energy efficiency measures were installed in homes across Scotland in 2013/14, a new Scottish Government report has confirmed.
Steve Murphy Workers in the construction industry continue to face massive safety failings, an online survey of UCATT members has found.
Green heat technology which could remove Scots households from fuel poverty is being stifled by restrictive planning conditions, according to industry body Scottish Renewables. Air source heat pumps, which can warm buildings using a fraction of the energy of conventional gas boilers, are subject to
A multi-million pound plan to create a new leisure hub at an Aberdeen shopping centre has been given the go-ahead today.
Alex Goodfellow Construction firms could be missing out on much needed revenue due to avoidable delays brought on by winter weather, according to Stewart Milne Timber Systems.
An independent review has vindicated the BRE Trust’s investment in its four UK based University Centres of Excellence. Results from the Research Excellence Framework (REF) ranking, which measures the quality of a university’s research output, found that BRE Trust funded research is world leading
Planning permission for the expansion of a whisky distillery has been granted by the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) among a raft of development approvals.
Argyll-based GSS Marine Services has been appointed to deliver over £1 million of vital infrastructure improvements to Campbeltown Harbour. Argyll and Bute Council chose the Rosneath firm last week to carry out the berthing and on-shore improvement work, which will make the marina a more attractive
New build apartments completed in Dundee
Vaughan Hart Employers in the Scottish construction industry are calling for increased funding to help recruit and train more apprentices and have highlighted critical skills shortages in a number of key trades and managerial positions.