
33346-33360 of 33666 Articles
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The widows of two of Scotland’s greatest 20th Century architects, Professors Andy MacMillan OBE and Isi Metzstein OBE, Angela and Dany, have been awarded Honorary Fellowships from the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS). The presentations were made during the annual RIAS Andrew Do

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Partnerships paves way for new Dundee housing project Housebuilder Merchant Homes and Home Scotland have begun work on a multi-million pound development in Dundee.

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Sarah Speirs The UK has seen its sixth consecutive quarterly decline in office space availability though office and industrial sector rents are expected to rise at the fastest rate since 1998 over next quarter, the latest RICS commercial property survey has revealed.

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Lovell safety performance recognised by RoSPA President’s Award Calum McKay and Frances Richardson

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Network Rail has awarded alliancing contracts to Costain and Morgan Sindall to deliver the core physical works on the Edinburgh-Glasgow Improvement Programme (EGIP). The £250 million deal will see Network Rail and its contractors electrify the main line between Scotland’s two biggest cities, comp

33346-33360 of 33666 Articles