Kenny McDonald Chartered surveyor Kenny McDonald outlines the best time for landlords and tenants to get advice on dilapidations claims.
Dm Hall
Alan Jeffrey Alan Jeffrey outlines the ways in which the Scottish Government is cracking down on retrospective building alteration applications.
Adam Jennings Chartered surveyor Adam Jennings on the intricacies of valuing churches.
Eric Curran Eric Curran talks about how the Scottish property market is shaping up in 2018.
Andrew McFarlane Andrew McFarlane discusses the issue of the housing crisis in Scotland and outlines what action has to be taken to rectify the problem.
Graeme Todd of DM Hall The former John Watson & Company print works in Glasgow is to be redeveloped as student accommodation and office space following its sale to developers Watkin Jones.
Andrew McFarlane Andrew McFarlane makes the case for UK-wide regulation to make sprinklers mandatory in all new build houses.
Andrew McFarlane Increased building material prices and a shortage of labourers can flatten the Scottish Government’s laudable building ambitions, says Andrew McFarlane.
Mark O’Neill By Mark O’Neill
Ian Woods By Ian Woods