Edinburgh Futures Institute has officially opened its doors to the public in the transformed and revitalised Old Royal Infirmary building. The much-loved city landmark will officially open to the public on Monday 3rd June following an extensive seven-year, multi-million-pound restoration.
Citra Living, part of Lloyds Banking Group, is to bring 87 new homes to the rental market in Edinburgh following its latest deal with Barratt Developments.
A bid to build nine new homes in the car park of an Edinburgh hotel has been rejected.
A major mixed-use development at Ocean Point in Leith has been granted planning consent, subject to conditions, by councillors on Edinburgh’s Development Management Sub-Committee.
The City of Edinburgh Council has said it does not expect to approve any new affordable homes for at least the next year after a cut to the Scottish Government’s housing budget left the local authority with £11 million worse off.
The residential-led transformation of the former Caledonian Brewery in Shandon is now a step closer to reality with the submission of a major planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council.
Wheatley Homes East built almost 200 new affordable homes in the east in the last financial year with hundreds more new homes in the pipeline. Part of Wheatley Group, the social landlord built 197 new homes in the last 12 months.
The next major phase for the replacement Liberton High School in southern Edinburgh has been marked by a special groundbreaking event on the site.
GRAHAM has started construction on a new £59 million low-carbon development in Edinburgh which combines student flats, build-to-rent and affordable homes. The Burnet Point scheme in Abbey Lane is the first-ever mixed-use residential development of its kind by Unite Students, one of the UK&rsqu
The owners of Ocean Terminal have confirmed they have signed a deal which will bring a Tesco Express to the Leith waterfront development as part of multi-million pound plans to regenerate the site.
Work to create a newly refurbished, dog-friendly business community in Edinburgh has officially reached completion. Orchard Brae House (OBH) is located on Queensferry Road, close to Edinburgh’s west end and city centre. Extensive refurbishment works to the building’s interior have upgrad
A record funding boost will see the biggest spend on improvements to Edinburgh’s roads and infrastructure projects in nearly a decade.
A major milestone in the Meadows to George Street project in Edinburgh has been reached this week as the statutory orders needed to progress to the construction stage are advertised.
Buccleuch Property has appointed KPS Limited to construct a 5,250 sq ft Co-op retail store including six IONITY electric vehicle (EV) High-Power charging (HPC) stations at Shawfair Business Park, Edinburgh.
Edinburgh’s new local development plan has received a welcome boost from the Scottish Government.