Fife Council is proposing to carry out a range of improvements on Leven Promenade to improve its appearance, accessibility and amenity.
Lochay Homes Ltd, the developer behind a Dunfermline housing project, has been informed that it must pay £365,000 to help address school capacity issues.
ISG has been appointed to oversee the extensive refurbishment of a multi-million-pound new distillery and visitor centre for whisky and gin distillery Eden Mill.
Plans to deliver a key active travel link in Levenmouth have taken a significant step forward after the business case was approved by councillors.
Tenants living in two council-owned blocks of flats in Methil are set to benefit from a £4.5 million package of improvement works following a review of fire safety.
Campion Homes joint managing directors Susan Jackson and Dougie Herd welcomed Homes for Scotland staff and members to its latest completed project in Gauldry this week, where they were invited to take a tour of the development and learn more about these innovative new homes.
GH Barnett & Son has submited plans to Fife Council seeking to convert a bakery in East Neuk into a house and four flats.
A number of Fifers currently looking for work have attended a Construction Academy at Fife College.
Fife Council is investing an additional £3.5 million to help fix Fife's roads and is making good progress in tackling a backlog of repairs.
Network Rail has installed the footbridge at Cameron Bridge station as part of the new £116m Levenmouth Rail Link development.
Fife College’s new campus in Dunfermline is on course to meet Scottish Government carbon targets for its use of a unique steel/timber construction, according to its structural engineer.
McLaughlin & Harvey has provided a much-needed modern outdoor classroom for Bright Horizons Day Care Centre as part of its Leuchars Station project for the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
Fife Council's Environment and Building Services recently celebrated the Apprentice of the Year Awards 2023 in the Rothes Halls.
Scotch Whisky Investments' (SWI) proposal to relocate its global headquarters, as well as one of the world's largest whisky collections to Scotland, has moved a step closer with the purchase of a site in Fife. SWI, the international whisky asset management business, is set to relocate its headquarte
People across Fife are being encouraged to have their say on plans to help tackle the climate emergency, cut carbon emissions and make the region’s buildings more environmentally friendly over the coming years.