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Around 1,000 S1–S6 pupils and parents took part in a career carousel event in Kilmarnock Academy, supported by GRAHAM – the construction company delivering early years centres in Stewarton, Cumnock and Kilmaurs as part of the East Ayrshire Early Years Expansion Programme.

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A team of landscapers has teamed up with a commercial nursery to supply plants and complete the soft landscape contract element of the enabling works for the new £163.7 million hospital and cancer treatment centre in Aberdeen.

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Pupils from Netherthird Primary School and Early Years Centre have taken part in a competition organised by GRAHAM to showcase their artistic flare. GRAHAM site manager Gareth Minnis with Kayla Chalmers, primary six, Kali Phillips, primary three and nursery pupil Lacey McCreadie

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GRAHAM is working with communities in East Ayrshire to donate expertise and resources to local projects. A group of local children and volunteers at Netherthird Community Garden with GRAHAM apprentices

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Three international engineering teams are in the running to build the first opening road bridge over the River Clyde. Artist impression of the proposed River Clyde bridge. Image credit: Kettle Collective/Sweco

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New graduate Eimear McLaughlin is celebrating being offered a full-time job with GRAHAM after the company supported her with summer placements and part-time work throughout her degree. Eimear, 22, from Renfrew, graduated with a first-class honours degree in Construction Management from Edinburgh Nap

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GRAHAM has launched a ‘100 Day Challenge’ for staff across Scotland as part of the company’s health and wellbeing calendar. Marie-Louise Barter, IT business engagement lead, Mark Gillespie, head of assurance, and Victoria Quinn, BI analyst

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Pupils at All Saints Secondary School have attended an open day offering an insight into career pathways in Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering (STEM), at a careers event organised to help young people who will soon be choosing their National Five subjects. Over 160 S2 students attended the e

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More people will gain access to engineering and construction education after Glasgow Caledonian University secured £5.4 million to become one of Scotland's largest providers of Graduate Apprenticeships. The funding award, from Skills Development Scotland (SDS), will allow the University to off

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An initiative that has already given a number of young women the skills to begin their careers in the built environment sector is gearing up to welcome its next cohort of ambitious students. Facilitated by New College Lanarkshire, the nine-week Females into Construction course is backed by several s

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GRAHAM has teamed up with training provider TIGERS to help deliver an event encouraging young women to consider careers in construction. The event, which was held at the TIGERS Skills Training Academy, encompassed live demonstrations of work tasks and opportunities for students from schools across G

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