Independent housebuilder Dandara has received a highly regarded award from warranty advisor Premier Guarantee for its new Wallace View development in Dunblane, Stirlingshire. The development of 18 high-specification homes has been honoured with a ‘Quality Recognition Award’, which c
A plan to rationalise accommodation for Stirling Council and the disposal of land assets around Viewforth for housing development has been agreed.
Investment of more than £18 million will be made in local council housing after Stirling Council agreed a 6% rise in rents for 2024/25. A Special Meeting of Council yesterday supported the rise, increasing the average rent by £4.79 per week over the 48-week rental period, from £79.
Cornton’s pedestrian level crossing will close for three days while Network Rail carries out vital improvement works.
The £11.2 million railway upgrade at Dunblane is nearing completion as bridge works begin at the site.
Optima Kitchens has opened a new showroom in Stirling.
Almost 50 new social rented homes could be built in St Ninians after Stirling Council submitted an application to redevelop vacant land north and south of Graystale Road. The proposals involve 44 new homes including accessible single-storey, two-storey houses and cottage flats along with parkin
A planning application has been lodged with the Loch Lomond National Park Authority to create a new primary school in Callander.
Residents, community groups and businesses will have an opportunity to help shape the future redevelopment of the Forthside area of Stirling following the launch of an online consultation. People and organisations are being encouraged to give their feedback on an updated masterplan and new design gu
The JR Group has broken ground on a new housing development in the village of Croftamie, in rural Stirlingshire, on behalf of its client, Rural Stirling Housing Association (RSHA).
Cala Homes (West) is underway with groundworks at its highly-anticipated Ballagan Woods development in Killearn before construction of the homes starts in the coming weeks.
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has transformed the derelict Kildean Hospital boiler house into a community hub and training centre for Stirling Community Enterprise.
A B-listed former care home in Plean could be converted into 17 new flats under new plans submitted to Stirling Council.
Residents, community groups and businesses have less than two weeks to take part in online surveys that will help shape how the Stirling area looks in the future.
The development of a former industrial school into Stirling’s first aparthotel has been approved by the council’s Planning and Regulation Panel.