The creation of a new state-of-the-art primary school in Craigshill, Livingston has taken a step closer.
West Lothian
The bridge that connects Scotland’s fastest-growing town and spans both the Union Canal and the Edinburgh-Glasgow railway line has now been officially opened.
Good progress is being made on building work at St Kentigern's Academy with the next stage of the £35 million project set to be given the green light.
Unauthorised drainage works carried out by a housebuilder have caused damage to public open space in Armadale, West Lothian Council has revealed. Investigations established that the damage at Millburn Park was caused as a result of work undertaken by Avant Homes Scotland in
West Lothian Council is being urged to give support to a proposed low carbon community to help it address its recently declared housing emergency.
West Lothian Council has agreed to enter into an agreement with Network Rail and Winchburgh Developments Ltd for the provision of an overbridge on the new core road through Winchburgh.
The development of a new residential community can transform a derelict site in Livingston and deliver a variety of high-quality new homes to help tackle West Lothian’s housing shortage, Persimmon has said as it submitted new proposals. The planning application by Persimmon East Scotland and C
Developers are being offered the chance to potentially transform the Vennel area of Linlithgow. West Lothian Council has committed to undertake a formal marketing of the area, to find out if there is commercial interest in the site.
Arrochar House in Livingston is set to be purchased by a successful West Lothian-based leisure wear firm.
West Lothian Council is to consider entering an agreement with Network Rail and Winchburgh Developments Ltd for the provision of an overbridge on the new core road through Winchburgh.
The transformation of a once-condemned housing estate in Livingston is celebrating a historic milestone with the official handover of the first few new homes. Springfield Properties presented the keys to the first new residents of Deans South, many of whom have waited over 20 years for this moment.
A planning application has been submitted to West Lothian Council for a £130 million flexible energy battery storage park. South Lanarkshire-based OnPath Energy said the development, planned for an approximately 3-hectare site to the south-east of Bathgate, would meet the peak electr
The maintenance and improvement of existing council homes remains a key priority in West Lothian Council's Housing Capital budget with approximately £8.2 million to be invested in planned programme work during this financial year from April 2024 until the end of March 2025.
West Lothian Council has launched a postcode look-up facility for council housing tenants where they can check when their home is scheduled for improvement and maintenance works. This service enables council tenants to search for the proposed review year for Housing Capital Investment Programme work
A development of 18 apartments has been granted planning approval in Linlithgow.