Ogilvie wins gold for employee development

Ogilvie Construction’s commitment to employee learning and development has been recognised with the award of gold membership of the 5% Club, the organisation that works with UK employers to inspire increased workplace learning.
The award is given to companies who are accredited by audit that more than 5% of their workforce are participating in “earn and learn” schemes such as Apprenticeships, Graduate Schemes, and Sponsored Student Course Placements.
Donald MacDonald, managing director, Ogilvie Construction, said: “We are delighted that our commitment to employee development has been recognised by the 5% Club.
“We have always invested in giving our staff the opportunity to grow their skills, knowledge and experience and continue to offer a range of opportunities for them to achieve their ambitions. Society depends upon a successful economy and we take seriously our responsibility as an employer to contribute to the future development of skills to drive economic growth.”
Mark Cameron OBE, chief executive at the 5% Club, said: “Our Employer Audit scheme recognises the efforts of all those Employers who invest in their workforce through a broad range of workplace learning schemes.
“It is fantastic that in these challenging times so many are able to commit to the Employer Audit and to gain credit for their efforts, and that the majority are striving to expand their schemes over the coming years. Their efforts and achievements are to be applauded.”