The Scottish planning system is soon to undergo reform following an independent review. The proposals under discussion suggest an increasing recognition that children are often excluded from considerations of place. Here, Dr Jenny Wood identifies five ways Scottish Government can improve children’
Theresa Hunt Burness Paull’s senior associate Theresa Hunt believes the construction industry will be disappointed with the Scottish Government’s plans to introduce increased planning fees.
Matthew Goff Matthew Goff, director of UK operations at Actavo | Building Solutions, explains why having a diverse workforce can achieve better results across the business.
Richard Slipper Richard Slipper of GVA on why Scotland’s new planning system should blend the best of the old with the new.
Mandy Catterall Government relations manager Mandy Catterall gives the Scottish Property Federation’s take on the coming changes in the planning system.
Scotland needs a planning system which nurtures growth and unlocks the potential of our people and places according to the Scottish Government. So what can we, or should we, expect from the draft planning bill which is expected to be introduced in the autumn, asks Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie’
Donald MacKinnon Ahead of the introduction of the apprenticeship levy which comes into force tomorrow, director of legal services at Law At Work, Donald MacKinnon, reflects on the implications this will have on UK businesses.
Ashley Dunsmore Assistant quantity surveyor Ashley Dunsmore on being a woman in construction and being on Kier’s graduate trainee programme.
Andrew Leslie Many housebuilders and property developers hold an unfortunate perception around the extension of Community Right-to-Buy, introduced by the Scottish Government last year.
The UK’s communities secretary Sajid Javid started the year with a visit to the Netherlands and Germany to look at how self- and custom-build homes can make a contribution to the enduring challenge of adequate housing delivery. This comes hot on the heels of the Scottish Government’s recent conf
Karen Manning A client survey by law firm Burness Paull highlights the problems in practice with Collateral Warranties in construction projects. However, a solution lies on the horizon for Scottish projects in the form of a new Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Bill.
Laura Peacock Growing young talent is not just a policy agenda, it is a necessity for Scotland’s economy, writes Laura Peacock from Investors in People Scotland.
The Queensferry Crossing is set to become the longest three-tower, cable-stayed bridge in the world upon its completion in May 2017, writes Ronnie Turner, infrastructure manager at global building product manufacturer, Sika. A wonder of modern engineering and technical ingenuity, the 1.7-mile, £790
Mikael Forup By Dr Mikael Forup, technical director of ecology at Atmos Consulting.
The requirements of a valid payment notice issued under a construction contract were considered in a previous update: “A Payment Notice? Be Clear?” with reference to the case of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust v Logan Construction (South East) Ltd (“Surrey and Sussex”) a decision of t