The requirements of a valid payment notice issued under a construction contract were considered in a previous update: “A Payment Notice? Be Clear?” with reference to the case of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust v Logan Construction (South East) Ltd (“Surrey and Sussex”) a decision of t
As it looks ahead to the Scottish Renewables Low Carbon Cities Conference in Edinburgh next week, the Scottish Cities Alliance said an 'Infrastructure-first approach' to energy developments is crucial. How do we plan and create the infrastructure and regulatory frameworks for smart, sustainable citi
Ian Manson Ian Manson of Clyde Gateway on breaking the chronic office space conundrum.
Keith Campbell The Scottish Government is consulting on the future of unconventional oil and gas development in Scotland, writes MacRoberts' Keith Campbell.
Jim Rooney Experienced housing practitioner Jim Rooney has been working in asset management for the past 25 years and this year will chair HouseMark Scotland’s new Active Asset Management Specialist Club. He considers the main challenges currently facing registered social landlords in asset manage
We need a Scottish planning system which will inspire, empower and deliver for the future, writes Gavin Mowat from Scottish Land & Estates. Planning is a thorny issue which more than one elected member of Holyrood has been warned against getting involved in, and for good reason. Red tape, costly
Harry Smith Gillespie Macandrew’s housebuilding expert Harry Smith says now is not the time for Scotland’s housebuilders to be cautious.
Derek Petrie As the £1 billion development of Dundee’s Waterfront area continues, Derek Petrie, a property expert at law firm Lindsays, wants to shine the spotlight on the regeneration taking place throughout the rest of the city and the wider region.
Yosof Ewing I read an article in Construction News recently and it contained a statistic that stopped me in my tracks.
John Forster By John Forster, group chairman, Forster Group
Craig McLaren Craig McLaren, director of RTPI Scotland, outlines his take on the planning debate in Parliament yesterday.
Steven Todd Steven Todd from EQ Chartered Accountants discusses the impact of uncertainty within the construction sector.
The Specialist Engineering Contractors’ Group in Scotland has set four key procurement and project management priorities for 2017 to ensure the Scottish construction small firms remain productive, sustainable and efficient. PROJECT BANK ACCOUNTS (PBAS)
Stefano Smith RTPI Scotland convenor Stefano Smith sets out his plans for 2017
Craig McLaren RTPI Scotland director Craig McLaren looks back at the important things that have happened in Scottish planning in 2016