John Hamilton The Scottish Property Federation (SPF) has announced John Hamilton, chief executive of Winchburgh Developments, as its new chairman.
The Health and Safety Executive has fired a warning shot to the timber frame industry spelling out its responsibility for reducing fire risks in urban areas.
(left to right) Rear: Ian Paul site manager, Bill Banks. Front: Charlie Milne, Community Cllr Elspeth Paterson, Cllr Tim Brett, Dougie Herd, Julie Watson Fife councillors joined Kingdom Housing Association representatives to mark the beginning of works that will see a mix of 66 badly needed new home
A programme of development at Glasgow Prestwick Airport, including plans to become a spaceport, have been set out as part of a long-term strategic vision for the business.
Simon Howell, Michael McMahon, Stuart Black, Sean Birrane and Jeremy Simpson Asset and energy support services provider Lakehouse has appointed Sean Birrane as its new chief executive amid a wider senior management reshuffle and new boardroom hires.
New homes take shape in East Ayrshrie East Ayrshrie is a hive of activity with the development of almost 50 new homes at three key sites.
Philip Hogg Homes for Scotland chief executive Philip Hogg has challenged politicians to take the bold and decisive action necessary to deal with the chronic undersupply of housing once and for all.
Most of the UK’s construction specialists are proud to be working in the industry, according to a new survey. Of the 700 skilled construction employees who were polled, some 83 per cent said that they are proud to work in the industry.
Ed Monaghan - right Mactaggart & Mickel Group has returned to pre-recession profit levels after strong sales from the Homes division, company-wide efficiencies and the sale of non-performing assets.
Vaughan Hart The Scottish Building Federation (SBF) has expressed concern about new evidence pointing to a fragmentation in the Scottish construction industry as a result of the economic downturn.
A contract to build new primary schools in two rural South Lanarkshire villages has been awarded to Morrison Construction. Work on the Gilmourton and Auchengray Primaries is due to begin before the end of this year.
Plans for a new £50 million whisky distillery near Alness are to be delayed due to a drop in worldwide demand.
Pressure on the supply chain is continuing to affect tender levels, according to the latest tender price forecast from Mace. Mace, which surveys it supply chain for market feedback every quarter, has revised its 2014 tender price inflation upwards from 4.5 per cent to 5 per cent by the end of 2014
Board Directors and Trustees from CALA Homes and the Crags Community Sports Centre Dragon’s Den style project gets youngsters fired up in Edinburgh
Detailed plans for 80 homes and the possible provision of a new health centre at Friockheim have now been lodged with Angus Council. The Evening Telegraph reports that Guild Homes (Tayside) Ltd is seeking approval for the development of 80 houses, including 16 affordable properties, along with open