Glasgow City Council has confirmed the appointment of Gardiner & Theobald LLP with John McAslan + Partners and Event Communications to take forward the Burrell Collection’s ambitious refurbishment and redisplay plans. Gardiner & Theobald LLP has been appointed to undertake the project mana
John McAslan John McAslan and Partners has been recommended to take forward the £66 million revamp of Glasgow’s world famous Burrell Collection museum.
Wheatley Group has today confirmed it will progress plans to deliver its repairs and maintenance service through a new joint venture (JV) with Glasgow City Council. Heads of terms have been agreed that will lead to Wheatley - parent company of Scotland’s largest social landlord Glasgow Housing Ass
The tower in its location at Glasgow Science Centre The decision to build Glasgow Tower at the River Clyde instead of St Enoch Square is the root cause of all the problems which have beset the landmark, according to two leading architects.
An urban flooding project to tackle the deficiencies in Glasgow's drainage system and allow the building of 22,000 new homes on previously unviable brownfield sites has been received a funding boost. The Glasgow City Region City Deal Cabinet has approved £3.17 million of funding towards the next st
Ryder Architecture has been appointed by the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice to implement the detailed design and delivery phase of its new building in Glasgow. After 18 months of fundraising by the hospice, enabling works are now underway, with the project expected to start on site in June.
Plans to build Scotland’s first purpose built accessible space for disabled dancers have been submitted in Glasgow. Collective Architecture’s proposals will the Category A-listed former Briggait fish market in the city’s Merchant Quarter transformed into home for dance and physical performance
One of Scotland’s busiest river crossings will need over £25 million worth of repairs over the next decade years to stop it from closing, a new report has warned. A Glasgow City Council assessment into the impact of maintenance costs has found that the Clyde Tunnel needs £5.3m of the work comple
Developers have been given until March 10th to submit their interest in a site left vacant following the closure of the old Victoria Infirmary Hospital in Glasgow. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) said the 9.5acre site in Battlefield has so far attracted a “good response” from potential de
Glasgow City Council has approved plans to allow a developer to build 90 new flats at North Kelvin Meadow but has also given volunteers a chance to preserve the “community-created” green space. The meadows were council-run football pitches and tennis courts that fell into disrepair in the early
The transformation of some of Greater Glasgow’s most important infrastructure, including a major flooding project in Springburn, is progressing deep beneath the city streets, as Keith Brown MSP, cabinet secretary for infrastructure, investment and cities, saw today. Scottish Water is more than hal
View from Finnieston Street Plans have been submitted for a mixed use development of two hotels and serviced apartments at the entrance to Glasgow’s SECC complex.
Phase 2 of the East End Regeneration Route opened to traffic in April 2012 The completion of a major carriageway which will connect two of the country’s busiest stretches of motorway is to be given the go-ahead by councillors in Glasgow.
Plans have been unveiled to transform Glasgow’s Tontine Building into a high-tech space for up to 300 entrepreneurs in a £1.67 million project. Inspired by Google’s offices, the project is a key part of the £1.13 billion Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal and is expected to inject £53 million
First minister Nicola Sturgeon listening to Paul Little, principal and chief executive of City of Glasgow College during the offical opening The best new buildings in Scotland have been revealed in the annual Scottish Property Awards with City of Glasgow College shortlisted in three of the eight cat