Nicola Sturgeon The SNP has called on the UK government to increase housing investment to enable 100,000 affordable homes to be built in the UK every year.
Homes For Scotland
Mike Galloway The shortlist for Scotland’s premier home building industry awards has been announced as trade body Homes for Scotland gears up for its largest ever ceremony celebrating the sector’s achievements.
Alex Neil The Scottish Government is to publish a plan to support the delivery of new homes as new figures revealed the average time to process major housing developments was at its slowest yet.
Philip Hogg Scotland’s home building industry has welcomed Chancellor George Osborne’s introduction of a new Help to Buy ISA to assist those saving for their first property but warned it would be of little use north of the border unless there is help to build the homes that are needed in the fir
Blair Melville Homes for Scotland has welcomed the news that the first two of eight major planning appeals called in for determination by the Scottish Government have been approved.
Philip Hogg Latest housing statistics released yesterday by the Scottish Government have been broadly welcomed by the industry though the figures were met with caution by Homes for Scotland.
Philip Hogg Home buyers in Scotland are facing further disadvantage to those elsewhere in Britain after Wales announced its intention to extend its Help to Buy shared equity scheme, Homes for Scotland has warned.
Philip Hogg The achievements of Scotland’s home building industry are to be recognised following the launch of trade body Homes for Scotland’s 2015 awards scheme.
John Swinney The Scottish Government has announced an extra £20 million to address fuel poverty and energy efficiency.
First-time buyers have been handed a tax boost after finance secretary John Swinney announced sweeping revisions to his replacement for stamp duty which will see 50 per cent of all household transactions paying no tax. Revisions to the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT), which will replace St
Karen Campbell Home building industry body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has promoted Karen Campbell to director of policy & operations.
Nicola Sturgeon opens the scheme in Leven A £30 million scheme to spread the benefits of new house sales to small and medium sized developers has been launched by the Scottish Government.
Philip Hogg The Scottish Government has commissioned Homes for Scotland to research how alternative construction methods can be used to create a lasting transformation in the way new homes are built.
Marie Boulton A booming north-east economy led to Aberdeen City Council’s planning department taking in more than £1 million in fees last year, according to reports.
Allan Lundmark Latest official planning statistics showing long periods taken to reach housing planning decisions have been branded “depressing” by home building industry body Homes for Scotland.