Clackmannanshire Council has agreed to bridge a funding gap for the development of new dementia-friendly housing in Alloa but the project has been delayed due to a lack of materials.
Kingdom Housing Association
In recognition of Scottish Housing Day today, Taylor Wimpey East Scotland and Kingdom Housing Association have confirmed that work has started and is progressing well to deliver 29 affordable homes and apartments for social rent on land off Aberdour Road in Dunfermline. This parcel of land within Ta
Saltire Facilities Management has been awarded a boiler installation contract from Kingdom Housing Association, valued at £1.3 million. The contract will see Saltire’s gas qualified engineers providing reactive maintenance and annual safety checks of gas-powered domestic central heating
A total of 27 new homes for social rent developed by Kingdom Housing Association have been handed over to Ore Valley Housing Association at Hugh Place in Lochgelly. For many years now Kingdom Housing Association has been working with partner housing associations to deliver an ‘Alliance’
Kingdom Housing Association has started work on 20 new energy-efficient homes for social rent south of Broich Road in the historic market town of Crieff.
New plans have been unveiled to build 45 new affordable homes on land currently owned by Kingdom Housing Association in Leslie, Fife.
A total of 24 energy-efficient new homes are to be built on a vacant site previously occupied by a gym and social work offices in Leven. Kingdom Housing Association has started work on the £3.1 million development that will see a mixture of common access apartments and cottage flats built on S
Kingdom Housing Association has built six new homes in Glenrothes for social rent and handed them over to Fife Housing Association Alliance partner, Glen Housing Association. These new homes have been partly funded through a Scottish Government grant. An additional facility has been completed f
Kingdom Housing Association has started work on 40 new affordable homes for social rent on the outskirts of St Monans, a coastal village in North East Fife.
Kingdom Housing Association (KHA) has unveiled an ambitious development programme that will see it aim to deliver an estimated 2,003 affordable new homes over the next five years.
Conversion work has completed on Kingdom Housing Association’s vacant office building at Natal Place in Cowdenbeath, returning the property to its original residential use.
Kingdom Housing Association has completed conversion work on Hunter House in Kirkcaldy, a Category B listed building which the Association purchased in 2020.
Edinburgh-based developer Whiteburn has secured detailed planning consent from Fife Council for a development for 73 new two, three and four-bedroom homes in the grounds of the former Viewforth High School in Kirkcaldy.
Our sister publication Scottish Housing News has been gratified to receive many endorsements and messages of congratulations for two decades of daily support to Scotland’s social housing - thanks to Kingdom group chief executive Bill Banks for these kind words.
Kingdom Housing Association has received planning consent for the construction of 30 new eco-friendly Passivhaus homes in Gauldry, Fife.