Members of the public are being invited to view the latest stage of development plans for the expansion of Aberdeen Harbour as fresh images of the expansion are revealed. Aberdeen Harbour Board, Scottish Enterprise and Aberdeen City Council are preparing a development framework for Nigg Bay, Altens
Scottish Enterprise
East Lothian Council has called on all parties to make clear their intentions for the future of the former Cockenzie Power Station site as the authority begins to prepare its detailed plan for development in the county.
Fergus Ewing Scotland's ski centres are to benefit from over £5.5 million to upgrade their existing infrastructure.
Proposals to create a new £320 million harbour on the Aberdeen coast are now on display at a public consultation.
Nicola Sturgeon and Bill McBride view Philadelphia from 115m high courtesy of Heriot Watt’s ICE project at The Construction Scotland Annual Conference The vital role that innovation has to play in the Scottish construction industry was reinforced by Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP in Gl