Drinking water pipes are delivering faster and more reliable broadband for the first time in the UK.
And Finally
The proposed "Big Bend" in Manhattan, which will span 4,000 feet in a single, continuous upside-down U shape, is set to become the world's longest building. The building's unusual design was created to circumvent strict planning regulations. In skyscraper construction, height often translates to hig
A special barrier that will be built to protect rare bats from the HS2 project will cost around £100 million, it has been revealed.
A giant chicken-shaped building standing almost 35 metres tall, 12.13 metres wide, and 28.17 metres long has entered the Guinness World Records as the largest building of its kind in the world.
An appeal for a house on stilts in an Angus village has failed to win over councillors over flood fears from the passing burn.
For the first time since the modernisation of the electricity network, horses are being used to extract timber on SSEN Transmission projects. It may be the image of a bygone era, but there is still very much a place for horse logging - the extraction of timber - from Scotland’s forests.
A team of archaeologists recently discovered historic 900-year-old door guardian statues in Angkor Thom, Cambodia.
A San Francisco company offering "sleeping pods" in a former bank for $700 (c. £530) a month has received over 300 applications for its remaining 17 beds, despite facing ongoing regulatory challenges. Brownstone Shared Housing, which aims to provide low-cost accommodation in expensive cities,
The site of a former public convenience at Barassie Beach, Troon, is to become a new restaurant.
Two Scots who are believed to own the biggest brick collection in the UK are looking for a museum to house all 6,000 of them.
A unique project which puts Google Street View users at the heart of renewable energy projects has been launched. From a hydropower plant deep beneath a mountain to the top of a wind turbine, Scottish Renewables’ Renewables360 is a global first-of-its-kind.
A PhD student has discovered a huge Mayan city by accident centuries after it disappeared under a jungle canopy in Mexico. Archaeologists found pyramids, sports fields, causeways connecting districts and amphitheatres in the southeastern state of Campeche.
A construction worker in Missouri saved a little squirrel that was covered from head to toe in wet spray foam. It was a casual day at the construction site when a contractor came to work and suddenly spotted some unexpected furry guests scurrying around his station.
A spectacular ancient 'dun' (or fort) on Scotland’s national forests and land has been recognised for its cultural significance. Kraiknish Dun on the Isle of Skye has been designated as a scheduled monument of national importance after a recent assessment by Historic Environment Scotland (HES)
After a black bear repeatedly punched a large hole in the fence of a homeowner in Vancouver, the family took the next logical step - to install a super-sized doggy door.