Cube Housing Association and West Dunbartonshire Council have unveiled plans to deliver 126 new affordable homes on the site of a former school in Clydebank. Under the detailed proposals submitted for planning, the 3.1-hectare site of the old St Andrew’s High School is to be split between 58 units
New primary school takes shape at Wallyford Work on the new Wallyford Primary School in East Lothian is making good progress with the majority of its structural steel frame now complete.
Disney has announced plans to invest €2 billion (£1.8bn) to expand Disneyland Paris with a lake and new areas devoted to hit films such as Frozen and Star Wars. The multi-year project will transform Walt Disney Studios Park and see the addition of three new areas, along with other new attractions
Aberdeen City Council’s decision to allow planning approval for Aberdeen Football Club’s new stadium at Kingsford will not be called in by ministers, the Scottish Government has confirmed. The decision paves the way for the football club to replace its current home of Pittodrie with a &p
David Knight, Avant Homes Scotland managing director Stirling-based housebuilder Avant Homes Scotland has secured three new development opportunities in the past 15 months, which will create up to 180 sales, construction and sub-contractor jobs in the region.
Work on a new £13.2 million community facility in Dundee could start as soon as next month if councillors approve an £8.9m tender. Wilmott Dixon’s bid to build a new multi-use community centre with two games halls, fitness suite, library and community multi-purpose rooms and areas, complete with
Another 87 former workers have lost their jobs at collapsed construction giant Carillion, taking the total so far to almost 1,460. A spokesperson for the Official Receiver, which is the body handling the construction and services firm’s liquidation, said on Monday that a further 150 employees had
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has announced it will introduce its new training model and grant scheme in April as the organisation sought to reaffirm its commitment to its transformation programme. The CITB Board met last week to discuss and review the progress made so far to achie
A map showing the path of the new road A new road linking Musselburgh with the new Shawfair community and Danderhall is set to reduce road traffic through Millerhill village by as much as 80% when it opens towards the end of this year.
Manni Ferguson Manni Ferguson from Kier Construction examines the growing diverse range of roles for women in business.
Portree Gaelic Primary School is being delivered by Robertson Group The Highland Council is seeking to review new build techniques and introduce greater scrutiny of spending as the local authority struggles to meet the demands for capital investment in the region’s schools.
Proposed view from North Deeside Road Detailed plans have been lodged to develop more than 100 new homes on the site of a disused papermill plot in Aberdeen.
Debbie Welch & Richard Hepburn Land and property search firm Millar & Bryce has opened a new office in Central Glasgow to support its expansion plans and continued development in the West of Scotland.
Holyrood's local government and communities committee will continue to examine the Planning (Scotland) Bill tomorrow as it hears evidence from organisations from the country’s builders and planners. Tammy Swift-Adams, director of planning, Homes for Scotland, Jenny Hogan, deputy chief executive, S
(Left) - Claire Walsh (marketing executive) and (centre) Matthew Abbott (land negotiator) with some of Taylor Wimpey’s apprentices and trainees (l-r) Sean Morrison (apprentice site manager); Shannon Flynn (sales management trainee) and Fraser Martin (apprentice joiner) Taylor Wimpey West Scotlandâ