Hunterston Port and Resource Campus (PARC) has been granted national development status under the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), creating opportunities for a slew of new renewable energy developments to come onstream. The designation recognises Hunterston as a stra
North Ayrshire
North Ayrshire Council has been awarded £600,000 of funding from the Scottish Government to support its efforts to breathe new life into the historic King’s Arms Hotel in Irvine. The derelict town centre landmark is to be transformed into six new homes for affordable rent as part of the
Comsol Energy has lodged a planning application with North Ayrshire Council to establish a solar farm on the Isle of Cumbrae.
Work is now underway on the latest development of new council homes in North Ayrshire.
Plans to build new homes on the site of former flats in Beith and Kilbirnie are moving forward.
North Ayrshire Council is hosting two events in February as it consults on the forthcoming planning application for the proposed new Ardrossan Campus. These drop-in events form a key part of the planning process and will give people a chance to view the proposed plans for the new building and discus
A total of 18 new affordable homes will be built on the Isle of Arran by the Arran Development Trust (ADT) as part of the Rowarden Affordable Housing Project.
A total of 220 energy-efficient new homes will be built in West Kilbride after North Ayrshire Council approved Persimmon’s planning application for a new housing development at Portencross.
North Ayrshire Council has appointed a contractor to carry out the £48 million flood protection scheme for Millport.
A wide-ranging plan to reduce the risk of flooding across Ayrshire has been published.
The latest generation of modern sheltered housing has officially been opened at Dalrymple Gardens in Irvine.
The development of Ayrshire’s new Digital Process Manufacturing Centre (DPMC), part of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), hit a major milestone this week with its half-a-million-pound refurbishment kicking off. Last month Paisley-headquartered Clark Contracts was awarded the
The first new council homes on Arran for more than 20 years have been officially opened.
North Ayrshire Council’s successful house-building programme is continuing to make a difference to the lives of tenants across the area. The past 12 months have seen a number of major council house developments either completed or get under way.
North Ayrshire Council's planning committee has approved plans for a new 426-home development in Kilwinning after concerns about traffic issues were alleviated. The Persimmon Homes development is located at West Byrehill, which had been identified as an employment area by Irvine Development Corporat