Dundee building services company McGill has unveiled plans to open an Aberdeen depot and made an appointment to its board of directors. McGill won deals for smoke detector contracts with Aberdeen-based Langstane and Castlehill housing associations worth £1.6m and also has a contract to re
A building development expert with a strong track record in the public and education sector has been appointed as head of construction for the University of Edinburgh.
Highland Council has appointed Malcolm Macleod as executive chief officer - infrastructure and environment and Mark Rodgers as executive chief officer - property and housing. The new appointments are part of the council's redesign programme.
Building consultancy practice Whitecross has announced the appointment of senior building surveyor Paul Shanahan. With more than 20 years of experience in the construction industry and having worked with clients across a range of sectors, Paul is skilled in numerous areas including feasibi
Household names from the world of construction will help develop the standards for a new ‘kit of parts’ which will be used to create the next generation of government projects like schools, hospitals and prisons. The Construction Innovation Hub has appointed a new Design Standards B
The woman credited with opening up the legal profession to commercial ownership has been appointed to lead the new Standards and Regulation Board at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Dame Janet Paraskeva - former chief executive of the Law Society - will have responsibility and ac
A new operations director, head of technical operations and senior head of inspection have joined the leadership team at NHBC. The internal promotions see Diane Marshall appointed to the newly created role of operations director from her prior role as head of technical operations. Diane has held man
Construction industry integrated services provider eGroup said it has strengthened across all areas of the business with a raft of new appointments to support further growth in its key markets. (from left) Kerry Stewart, John Skinner, Elaine Titmuss, Daniel Cow, Phillip Murphy, Mark Tartaglia, Kelly
ISG has promoted Zoe Price to replace Gordon Kew as chief operating officer (COO) for its UK Construction business. Ms Price has more than eight years of experience at ISG, most recently as group director for public sector frameworks.
Legal & General Affordable Homes (LGAH) has confirmed its commitment to invest £750 million to new affordable housing projects throughout the UK - increasing its development pipeline to nearly 3,500 homes across 41 projects.
MAST Architects has unveiled Paul Lessing as its latest recruit. Mr Lessing, who joins in a senior architect role, brings a wealth of experience from work in practice in Glasgow and beyond.
Fiona Maguire has been appointed as the new asset and development manager for Rural Stirling Housing Association. Ms Maguire has taken up the newly created post as the housing association undertakes a significant programme of building homes.
A new project director with extensive masterplanning and place-making experience has been appointed to drive delivery of the next phase of Aberdeen’s largest new community to the West of the city. Martin Dalziel, formerly of New Ingliston Ltd and Highland Properties Group Ltd, has over thirty
McCarthy and Stone’s regional managing director in Scotland, Jonathan Fair, has been appointed to Construction Scotland’s Industry Leadership Group (ILG). Construction Scotland said it made the appointment as it continues to bring together key figures from the private and public sector t
Chartered surveyor DM Hall has increased its expertise with the appointment of a highly respected and hugely experienced quantity surveyor. Brian Kinnell (left) and DM Hall partner Alasdair Seaton