Paisley Housing Association has completed a £2.86 million development of stylish flats - just two weeks after unveiling its smart new homes in Glenburn.
Mctaggart Construction
GHA has transformed the site of a former police station in Main Street, Baillieston, to provide 37 new affordable homes.
West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) has completed its latest social housing development in Barrowfield which finalises the physical regeneration of the area where there has been an investment of £65 million to create 540 new affordable homes since 1996. The latest £10m developmen
Local representatives gathered at Park Place in Wishaw to mark the official site start at Trust Housing Association’s £7 million new-build development. The development will see 42 new homes comprising of 1, 2- and 3-bedroom flats for social rent constructed in Wishaw town centre.
Work has started on the development of 77 brand new affordable homes for Irvine Housing Association. The new properties in Irvine will form phase two of the successful Tarryholme development, where 87 homes were built in 2019.
Williamsburgh Housing Association has completed its new build development at Milliken Road in Kilbarchan.
Home builder McTaggart Construction has secured a robust future with a management buyout of the company. The business has over 1,500 new homes currently on site, and a pipeline of projects across the central belt with some of Scotland’s largest housing associations and social landlords.
Four housing projects worth a total of £37.7 million have been awarded through Scotland Excel’s new build framework. Loreburn Housing Association in Dumfries has awarded two major projects to Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd - a £4.8m project to build 27 homes in Annan and a £14.8m pr
Construction work on new amenity housing in the centre of Paisley is now under way. The sixteen amenity flats will be self-contained accommodation designed to meet the requirements of older people with four of the flats available to wheelchair users. All of the houses will have lift access, low leve
McTaggart Group is to deliver up to 55 positions for young people across the central belt of Scotland after becoming one of the first Scottish construction companies to be announced as a confirmed provider of the UK Government’s Kickstart Scheme.
Atrium Homes has accepted the keys to 27 new homes in Shortlees, Kilmarnock.
Loretto Housing Association is building 111 affordable homes on three sites across central Scotland. The new homes – in Cardonald in Glasgow, Bishopton in Renfrewshire, and Falkirk – will all be for social rent, bringing much-needed housing for local people in the three communities.
West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) has shared this image of the progress made with its new homes at Fielden Street in East Glasgow.
McTaggart Construction has begun the second half of the year positively with several contract wins, new site starts and a senior appointment. The homebuilder, which recently re-opened its sites across central Scotland following the national lockdown of construction, said it is confid
Springfield Properties, Barratt Developments, McTaggart Construction and ISG are among a number of firms to announce closures of their construction sites following last night’s nationwide lockdown.