A housing developer plans to create "a new gateway to Paisley town centre" as it unveiled proposals for 67 new apartments on the site of a former Department for Work and Pensions office.
A new walking and cycling route linking the town centres of Renfrew and Paisley is set to be built by the end of 2022 after a contract worth almost £1 million was awarded for its construction to JH Civil Engineering Limited.
A £1.4 million project to strengthen and re-paint a railway bridge in Paisley will begin next month.
Two housing associations have linked up to bring a major housing boost to Glenburn in Paisley.
A key footbridge across the White Cart has reopened to the public after more than 25 years and will soon form part of a new walking and cycle route from Renfrew to Paisley.
The transformation of a former derelict pub site in Paisley into 36 new-build flats has been completed by building and construction firm The JR Group.
New designs showing how Paisley’s County Square could be transformed into an expanded outdoor events venue and attractive arrival point for the town have been revealed.
For over a hundred years, Thomas Coats Memorial Church has occupied an iconic spot in Paisley’s skyline. Construction of the church began in 1885 in memory of Thomas Coats, a Scottish thread manufacturer who contributed to many of Paisley’s iconic landmarks such as Coats Observatory, Fou
Paragon Development Finance, introduced by Melrose Commercial Finance Ltd, has agreed to provide a £4.5 million funding package to Nixon Blue to support the development of 34 new apartments overlooking Paisley’s iconic Abbey.
A new fly-through video has been released giving the first look at how Paisley’s A-listed Town Hall will look after a £22 million transformation into a landmark entertainment venue for the west of Scotland. The Victorian-era town hall – part of the legacy of Paisley’s proud p
Plans to build a major housing development at the University of the West of Scotland’s (UWS) Thornly Park campus in Paisley have been rejected by Renfrewshire Council. UWS, in partnership with Miller Homes, applied for permission to knock down the sports pitches, student accommodation, and Rob
The journey to transform Paisley Museum into a top cultural destination took a major step forward yesterday as Renfrewshire councillors approved the appointment of the contractor to deliver the £23 million main works programme.
Renfrewshire councillors will be asked to approve the appointment of Kier Construction as the main works contractor for Paisley Museum.
New designs aimed at turning Paisley’s Abbey Close into an expanded outdoor events venue and improved public space have been published ahead of a public consultation.
Renfrewshire Council has approved plans to build 34 flats and three ground floor commercial units at 22 Bridge Street in Paisley.